Ruta Baris

Kabel, Timmy and Maximillian

It was fox feeding time as every evening, tasty food on a plate was better than leftovers from the bins, in the neighbourhood. That evening I saw something white, and it was not a fox. It was dark and I could not see well. The food was there, and in the morning it was not there anymore. Next evening, I put the food closer to the door. I could see something in the bushes watching me, but there was no sign of the fox. Evenings went by and in a few weeks a white cat gained confidence, I could watch her eating from a short distance.

After a month she stayed with us in our North London house. I called her Maxi. We had another adorable cat called Kable, they became friends quickly and made a good company for each other. Kable was a good looking, pedigree cat, elegant, with good manners. It was a very clean cat, at times I thought he tided the house while no one was in. He was a proud cat, and intelligent, it seemed he understood the human language.  Maxi was cute, she was different to Kable, very natural in her behaviour, free, stubborn, never shy, if she wanted something, she made it very loud and clear. They made us laugh. You know, when you have something special, and you appreciate it, knowing  that makes you special, too.

When Maxi got a bad cold, straight away we went to the vets, but it was nothing serious. We were surprised by another thing… It appeared that Maxi was actually Timmy… Just to avoid the argument, even the vet at first glance thought that Maxi was a female. Oh well… it did not matter. Cats were getting along very well: Kable and Timmy, were two good friends, kissing when nobody paid attention. To cut the writing short, this story is about two cats, Kable and Timmy, merged into one cat called Maximilian. Max for short.

Most of us have two sides of ourselves good and naughty, funny and sad, intelligent and stupid, bright and dark, etc. I miss them. This is how Maximilian was born in my drawings, out of two different cat characters. Sweet and sincere, elegant, kind, hospitable, entertaining, naughty, mischievous, adventures, restless.

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